Kirkland4 Blog

Posts tagged “Bio-Etherics

The World of Tachyons

The world of Tachyons is one outside the four dimensions of length, width, height, and time that we have come to experience. As theoretical physicists now know, our world may be made up of as many as 12 dimensions, each contributing to our physical world. Ultra-dimensional worlds are hyper-energetic containing one billion times the energy of our  world. This is tachyon space.

In “Tachyon Space” the speed of light is many times faster than our speed of light making communication there “instantaneous” anywhere! Fact is we are affected by hyper-dimensional reality constantly but by its very nature it cannot quite reach our world prayer for example. There are many others and in time will be addressed. The barriers of hyper-dimensionality is our 4 dimensional construct. There are however objects we can make that create these effects.

The quarks in the protons of silicon dioxide(glass) can be excited to radiate tachyon energy in this plane. The effects are profound. If you hold our Tachyonized Disc you simply can’t have a negative emotion. It’s true. In water it produces an elixir that immediately energizes the entire body. Worn over the 3rd eye, it helps block electromagnetic radiation from computers, etc. worn on the body it continually energizes it. I personally wear 13 and although it has taken me quite awhile to handle this level of stimulation the profound effects have been astounding. To find out more about Tachyonized discs contact


And I can “see” now…

I walk the square now, the raindrops pitter patter, some from my eyes now, but it doesn’t matter; I had to watch a little tragedy.

It can happen, when two lives intermingle, pulls the heartstrings, until a single tear is formed, then others come from me.

It’s when love blooms and you feel the magic, that the heart can be squeezed. It can be tragic;

Then, you raise your eyes for comfort please.

…and it comes in a soft cascade, finding this comfort saves a fool like me.

…and I can see now, so poorly at the first, that it’s a blessing that it’s not the worst thing that could befall a simple wretch like me.

I will endure now, all sadness overtaken, stand above the godforsaken trembling gnashing thing that I can be.

The sun’s come out now, and the rain is stopping.  All will be well now and my heart is pumping.

A little stumble in the road of life for me. I see the answer, it was right there before me.

Can’t wait to tell her and give her our release.


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Where does reality come from?


Author Bill Kirkland

Tau Master


Tau Master

It comes from dreams…

Yesterday morning a client came in with an observation: “Bill I’ve noticed that as my aura keeps clearing negativity things get closer.”

They get closer because in the end we are all part of one. All reality is part of that same one. We are matrix energy manifestations as energy enters from zero point it congeals into various manifestations within our four dimensional reality. This is our “reality”.

Since we are completely the congealed reality of Bill is not the same as Hanna, but they are similar and all exchange energy continually. This exchange is what makes us one, but allows one to contribute to the whole. All have some kind of energetic strength + or -. To move up to higher manifestations of this matrix, you must energize. This is commonly called ascension by the ancients. These new realities are reached by higher escape velocities created by huge amounts of humility and love, or by machine power.

Escape velocities are created by energizing the body via “Holograph” to phenomenally high levels,“This” technology can do. These are very pleasant experiences once egoic negativity is shed, which can be painful since a lot of suffering can be remembered. If the power is high enough this egoic control is shed and suffering is no longer possible. These are the higher levels that we seek. Do not let egoic skepticism fool you. All I have said can be done and easily, but not so easily if the ego stops you from trying.

Kirkland4: From the Edge

We made it! 🙂 Look for my “Freshly Pressed Blog”s as I simply can’t get my tweeting down to 140 characters for my highly appreciated followers. Hopefully this will provide a more insightful and entertaining daily musings “From The Edge”…

~Tech Assist I

*If you encourage me, I might be led to share some upcoming blurbs from my next book… 😉