Kirkland4 Blog

Posts tagged “TachyonXc

The World of Tachyons

The world of Tachyons is one outside the four dimensions of length, width, height, and time that we have come to experience. As theoretical physicists now know, our world may be made up of as many as 12 dimensions, each contributing to our physical world. Ultra-dimensional worlds are hyper-energetic containing one billion times the energy of our  world. This is tachyon space.

In “Tachyon Space” the speed of light is many times faster than our speed of light making communication there “instantaneous” anywhere! Fact is we are affected by hyper-dimensional reality constantly but by its very nature it cannot quite reach our world prayer for example. There are many others and in time will be addressed. The barriers of hyper-dimensionality is our 4 dimensional construct. There are however objects we can make that create these effects.

The quarks in the protons of silicon dioxide(glass) can be excited to radiate tachyon energy in this plane. The effects are profound. If you hold our Tachyonized Disc you simply can’t have a negative emotion. It’s true. In water it produces an elixir that immediately energizes the entire body. Worn over the 3rd eye, it helps block electromagnetic radiation from computers, etc. worn on the body it continually energizes it. I personally wear 13 and although it has taken me quite awhile to handle this level of stimulation the profound effects have been astounding. To find out more about Tachyonized discs contact


Do you live with excuses? Or do you want an “Answer”.

All fear is a creation of the ego and can be eliminated immediately. Do you feel the “weight of the world” frustrating you? Anger is a low energy state. It will effortlessly disappear with a Machine Powered Energy Disc. Ever wonder why you don’t have the energy to succeed. Fact is, unfortunately “You” don’t. Invest in a life changing “Energy Disc”.

Do you feel literally “drained” when simply being in the same space or sharing and evening “out” with friends or people that seem to overwhelm you with an emotional rollercoaster ride? A simple investment in the most scientifically advanced, tested and proven Tachyon Energy Discs.

There is no substitute.

Do you feel you’re the only one feeling like you haven’t the strength to get up out of bed each day and live life to the fullest?  Do you feel age is the reason you “can’t” do the things in life you always wanted to achieve or experience?

The Tachyon Energy Disc will turn those irrational thoughts into modern day miracles with the quality of life you deserve. Why wait to live life when you can enjoy it now and forever.

Do you feel your competition working harder and feeling as if your falling behind never to catch up? Want to know the secret to many of those competitors…

They have already found our technology to be true and literally taking them to the highest levels of success they never imagined. You can join the ranks of thousands for a small investment in your quality of life now and more importantly in your future, and the future of generations to come.

Leave the negative energy behind. We promise you won’t miss it, in fact when you start to feel the clearing almost instantly you will soon understand and be filled with the peace and path of understanding like you never have before.

The days of feeling you simply have nothing left to give are gone with this extremely powerful technology. Most people are so used to failing they subconsciously say no before they give the gift of life a chance. You know those people who automatically say “I’m sorry, but…, or No, I don’t want to hear etc., using every “excuse” not to TRY. When you’re ready for someone to “deliver” and back products that work…

Consider this…

You have nothing to lose, but everything to gain…
